Troubleshooting Shootiing System Manual Wii
Notice the metal tubes that are igniters for each burner Check the small wires that connect between an igniter that didn't spark and the control module near the front of the burner compartment If a wire is detached, push the metal connector onto the tab at the igniter or module, and turn on that burner knob as before.
If the igniter doesn't click, note that burner and check the remaining igniters.. How to Troubleshoot Gas Stove Burner Ignition Problems When you turn on a burner, an electronic igniter generates a spark that ignites gas going to the burner. 2
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Brace the top in the raised position by fitting the end of the rod into a small hole at the underside of the top.. If the igniter sparks and ignites the gas, the problem was a detached wire Alternatively, if the wires are attached and the igniter doesn't spark, the igniter is faulty and has to be replaced.. Note a burner that doesn't ignite when the igniter clicks, and proceed with the troubleshooting.. Turn on one of the burner knobs all the way until it stops and listen for the click of the igniter at that burner. e828bfe731
Allow the burner grates to cool to the touch, and take them off the stove Check the igniters one at a time.. Lift up the front edge of the cooktop and locate the bracing rod near the front of the burner compartment.. As a homeowner, you can troubleshoot common ignition problems with a simple procedure used by professionals. 5